Creating A Positive Learning Environment: 12 Must-Teach Classroom Procedures And Routines

As educators, we understand the importance of providing our students with effective teaching strategies in the classroom. Not only do these strategies help to foster a positive learning environment for our students, but they also help to create an atmosphere of connection and collaboration among teachers and students alike.

In this blog post, we will focus on effective teaching strategies and how they can be used to facilitate learning in the classroom. We will explore different types of teaching strategies, their benefits, examples, best practices for implementation, challenges that may arise when implementing them, and resources to further explore.

By the end of this blog post, you will have a better understanding and appreciation for effective teaching strategies in the classroom.

Types of Effective Teaching Strategies

There are a variety of teaching strategies that can be used to facilitate learning in the classroom.

  • Active learning strategies involve students engaging with the material in an active manner, such as through problem-based learning, project-based learning, and inquiry-based learning.
  • Direct instruction strategies involve the teacher providing an overview of a particular topic, such as with lecture, demonstration, and recitation.
  • Constructivist learning strategies involve students creating something new to explore a certain topic.

Social learning strategies involve students working together to learn from one another.

Each of these strategies can be used to facilitate learning in the classroom. Still, it is important for educators to assess the goals and objectives of the lesson and determine which strategy or combination of strategies best meets the needs of their students.

Different strategies will also appeal to different students, so it is important to provide students with a variety of activities to engage with the material. By doing so, educators can maximize student engagement and learning. For more information, check out our workshop on Engaging the 21st Century Learner.

Benefits of Effective Teaching Strategies

Implementing effective teaching strategies in the classroom has a number of benefits.

  • It encourages students to become actively engaged with the material and helps them develop critical thinking skills.
  • It also fosters creativity and innovation among students, as they are encouraged to think outside of the box when approaching a certain topic or problem.
  • Effective teaching strategies help create an environment in which collaboration is valued and promoted. This allows for meaningful dialogue among teachers and students alike, resulting in higher levels of engagement and learning overall.
  • Effective teaching strategies can help motivate students to take ownership of their learning process by providing them with opportunities to explore topics on their own terms.

It is important to note that these benefits can only be achieved if the teaching strategies are implemented correctly and effectively.

Teachers should take the time to familiarize themselves with the various teaching strategies and should be aware of the different approaches that can be used to successfully implement them.

Teachers should be aware of the potential challenges that may arise when using certain strategies, and should be prepared to address them accordingly. Having said that, let’s take a look at some of the benefits of using effective teaching strategies in the classroom.

Examples of Effective Teaching Strategies

Effective teaching strategies are a vital part of creating an engaging classroom environment that encourages student learning. Different strategies can help to engage different students in the class and provide them with opportunities to explore topics on their own terms.

By utilizing different teaching strategies, you can ensure that all students in the classroom are engaged and learning.

Here are some examples of effective teaching strategies that can be used in the classroom:

Problem-based learning is an effective strategy for engaging students in real-world problem solving. In this approach, students are presented with a real-world problem and then asked to devise a solution. This is a great way to help students develop problem-solving skills and critical thinking.

Project-based learning is another great way to engage students in the classroom. In this approach, students are given a project to complete that involves researching a specific topic, designing a project, and presenting their findings.

This type of learning encourages creativity and independent thought among students. You can check out our Project-Based Learning course here.

Inquiry-based learning is another effective teaching strategy for the classroom. In this approach, students are given an inquiry question and then tasked with researching and providing evidence-based answers. This type of learning encourages research skills and encourages critical thinking among students.

Lectures are also an effective teaching strategy for providing an overview of a particular topic or concept to the class. A teacher provides an short overview of the material while allowing time for discussion and questions from the class.

Demonstrations are also helpful when teaching certain skills or processes to the class. A teacher demonstrates how to do something while allowing time for practice from the class so they can gain mastery over what was taught.

Accountability Talk/Socratic Circles is another great strategy for engaging student discussions about particular topics or concepts in the classroom. A teacher guides student conversations by posing questions or providing prompts for discussion on a particular topic or concept being studied in class.

Group work is yet another effective teaching strategy for the classroom. Students are divided into teams and then asked to work together to complete a task or project related to what they’ve been studying in class. This type of learning encourages cooperation among peers as well as individual accountability within each team member’s work product.

Best Practices for Implementing Effective Teaching Strategies

In order for effective teaching strategies to be successful, teachers must understand the best practices for implementation.

The first step is to become familiar with the various strategies and determine which ones are most appropriate for your students. It is also important to create a lesson plan that outlines the goals of the lesson, as well as how you will use each strategy throughout the course of instruction.

In addition, it is important to provide clear instructions and expectations at the beginning of every lesson and ensure that students have all the necessary materials before beginning.

Teachers should also provide students with the opportunity to work collaboratively, as well as independently, and should utilize technology and other resources to enhance the learning experience.

Monitoring and assessing student progress throughout the lesson is also important, as it helps teachers to identify areas where students may need additional guidance.

Utilizing formative and summative assessments to evaluate student learning is also essential, as it helps teachers to assess student understanding and adjust the lesson accordingly. Finally, providing students with feedback and support is key to ensuring their success in the classroom.

Challenges of Effective Teaching Strategies

Implementing effective teaching strategies in the classroom can be a challenging endeavor.

Finding the right balance of activities to engage students, ensuring that the activities are appropriate for the level of the students, dealing with disruptions, and keeping students on task are all challenges teachers face when implementing these strategies.

Teachers must also find the right balance of teacher guidance and student autonomy, ensure that students are provided with a safe and supportive learning environment, manage the time and resources available for the lesson, and deal with students who are not properly prepared for the lesson.

Additionally, teachers must stay up to date with the latest trends in teaching strategies in order to provide the best possible learning environment for their students.

Implementing effective teaching strategies in the classroom can be a difficult process, but with the right resources and best practices, teachers can create an engaging, productive, and successful learning environment for their students.

Resources for Further Exploration

When it comes to effective teaching strategies for the classroom, there are a variety of resources available to educators. From websites dedicated to providing teachers with instructional resources and best practices to organizations that provide professional development resources, there is no shortage of options.

Here are just a few:

Edutopia is an online resource specifically geared towards helping educators create meaningful, engaging learning experiences for their students. The site offers articles, videos, webinars, and more on topics such as project-based learning, differentiated instruction, and assessment.

Strobel Education is an online and in-person resource for professional development. Our workshops, courses, and coaching provide step-by-step examples and materials, so you walk away feeling equipped and energized to apply learning the very next day.

Teaching Channel is another great resource for teachers looking for instructional resources and best practices. On this site, teachers can find videos of real classrooms in action as well as tips from experienced educators on how to improve their teaching practice.

TeachThought is yet another valuable resource for teachers looking for innovative ideas and resources for teaching. This website provides teachers with tools such as lesson plans, assessments, and activities that can be used in the classroom.

ASCD is an organization dedicated to providing educators with professional development resources and best practices for teaching. The website provides a wealth of information about instructional strategies, classroom management techniques, and curricular resources for teachers to utilize in the classroom.

TED Talks Education provide educators with inspiring talks from experts around the world on a variety of educational topics ranging from creativity to technology in education. This is a great resource for teachers looking to stay up-to-date on the latest educational trends.

Khan Academy is a great resource for students who are looking to improve their academic skills through free online courses. The courses cover a wide range of subjects, including math, science, history, economics, computer science, art history, and more!

Finally, the National Council for the Social Studies is a great resource specifically designed for social studies educators who are looking for resources and best practices for teaching their subject matter effectively. The website offers articles on current events related to social studies topics as well as information about upcoming conferences related to the field of social studies education.

These are just some of the many great resources available for teachers looking to implement effective teaching strategies in their classrooms! With so many options available, it’s easy to find something that works best for you and your students!


As educators, it is important to recognize that the keys to a successful classroom experience are based on effective teaching strategies. By implementing these strategies and best practices into our classrooms, we can create an educational environment where students can thrive and reach their fullest potential.

At Strobel Education, we recognize the importance of effective teaching strategies in unlocking student potential. That’s why we provide comprehensive resources for educators to easily access and implement in their classrooms.

We also offer professional development courses on effective teaching strategies for teachers who need additional support. Visit our website today to learn more about how Strobel Education can help you unlock the power of teaching strategies in your classroom!

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