I wanted to share something personal with you today, something that might resonate with your current situation, too.
You know, sometimes I feel like an imposter. As someone who teaches and researches happiness, you’d think I’d have it all figured out.
But the truth is, even though I tell others to quit hustling, stop glorifying overwork, and remember that our value isn’t tied to what we achieve, I often struggle to follow my own advice.
Just this week, I found myself back on the hamster wheel—working until 11:00 p.m., getting 5 hours of sleep, and diving right back into work as soon as I woke up. The cycle feels endless, overwhelming, and heavy.
Maybe you’ve felt that way, too? Like there’s just not enough time to get everything done, and it’s all closing in on you.
Here’s the thing I’m reminding myself—and that I want to remind you of, too: We are more than our to-do lists, our work, or our productivity. The world isn’t keeping score of how much we get done in a day. Yet, we keep pushing, even when it feels like too much.
I’m not looking for sympathy or validation—I just want to be transparent. If you’ve felt this way, I hope this leaves you feeling less alone. Because these valleys, these tough moments, are part of the journey.
The real power isn’t in never struggling; it’s in getting up and trying again, learning along the way, and showing up with the best you’ve got.
So, if today feels like too much, take a breath. Give yourself some grace. And remember, we’re in this together, learning as we go.
Here’s a quote that helps me at times. You might want to screenshot, print, or post it on your desk. 🤗
I write about this in my book, Teach Happy: Small Steps to Big Joy. I think I better go back and re-read a chapter or two.
Here’s to taking it one step at a time,