You know, I am so grateful for you.
It has truly brought me so much joy these past couple of weeks to read the responses that some of you have sent. Thank you for connecting with me! It can get a bit lonely in my office.
If you haven’t reached out to share the themes you would assign to your 20s or 30s and would like to, please do! They brighten my day.
[My Gift to You: Scroll down to the Upcoming Live Virtual Workshops for a coupon code]
A big thank you from my dog, George Leroy and me! ❤️❤️❤️
This past decade stretched me in all sorts of ways. There were lots of experiences that I never would have thought I’d overcome, but here I am on the other side…more days than not.
Have you ever experienced something like that?
If I were to assign a theme to the last ten years, it would be GROWTH & BELIEF.
Experiences of all kinds were endured. Tough, inspiring, challenging, and everything in between.
- I learned how to find the lessons from each unfair and hurtful injustice that I had experienced. As awful as they were, I gleaned wisdom from them and used those hurtful things to amp up my motivation!
- Part of the growth that took place in my 40s was learning how to let myself feel the whole spectrum of feelings. Just because lessons and wisdom come doesn’t mean they come without big, ugly, hard feelings. And those feelings are not bad or shameful. They deserve to be felt.
- I began to believe in myself and what I am capable of. I have struggled with self-worth many times in my life, and while I’m not completely healed, I’ve begun to believe in that gal, Kim Strobel. She has a strong track record for achieving many of her ambitions and goals.
- I started to play to WIN, and I’m so happy to say that I am steeped in my purpose more than ever. My career brings great meaning to my life, and there are no limits to how I want to contribute to others. This is my calling and I’m even more ready to step into my Divine Destiny and claim it.
Think about the last ten years of YOUR life. What is one big takeaway lesson or bit of wisdom you’ve gleaned?
Thanks for letting me share space in your inbox. Always thinking of you and sending you happy vibes!