Can you believe it’s back-to-school time already? Summer just zoomed by!
I’ve been on the road quite a bit, traveling all over to deliver keynotes. It’s been incredibly fulfilling to connect with educators and help reignite their passion for teaching. They’re my kind of people—ones who just need a little spark to keep going!
Speaking of summer, mine had a bit of a rough start. You might remember my sweet Gram—she turned 100 in January – what a milestone! Sadly, in June, she passed away. I had the privilege of holding her hand as she went to meet her maker. She was such an incredible woman and has had a huge influence on my life.
For almost 24 years, she and I have had a Friday lunch date. Remember the well-known book, “Tuesdays with Morrie”? Mine was “Fridays with Gram.” Each Friday, we’d gather at her dining room table and eat her homemade chili and bologna salad.
We would discuss the latest book we were reading, talk about family gossip, and laugh at our latest antics. She taught me so much about life and how to be happy regardless of our circumstances. Her life wasn’t always easy, but she always chose to see it as a blessing. She has been one of my biggest happiness teachers in life.
Each Friday my phone still dings with a calendar notice letting me know it’s time to go have lunch with Gram. I have decided I’m not taking it off because it’s a precious reminder of our time together as granddaughter and grandmother.
When I left her house, she would always come to the door and give me that sweet wave. It’s something I counted on, and I’d always pull away from the curb, knowing how loved I was by this woman in my life.
Every time I left her house over those 20 years, I’d see Gram waving from the door. Every. Single. Time.
While I miss her dearly, I know it was her time to go, and she had a life well-lived.
After she passed, something remarkable happened during a speaking engagement in Texas. A woman told me she felt her deceased mom speaking through me as I talked. It was a powerful moment—I believe Gram was working through me, sharing her wisdom and love.
Her spirit is always with me, and I carry her lessons in my heart wherever I go. Thanks for letting me share a bit of my summer, and my Gram, with you.
Where in the world have you been this summer? Are you ready to jump back into the school year? Have you set up your radical wellness routine? If so, send me a quick reply filling me in on the details!
Wishing you a happy, happy school year!
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