Making Teacher Professional Development Effective

teacher reading in front of students

Professional development for teachers is an essential part of helping them improve their practice and ensure the quality of teaching and learning for their students. Educators and administrators must prioritize making teacher professional development effective and engaging so that teachers can gain the most from it.

Identifying Areas For Professional Growth For Teachers

The first step in making teacher professional development effective is to identify areas for professional growth. This can include areas such as classroom management, instructional strategies, technology integration, and more.

Teachers might take the time to reflect on their current practice and determine what areas they would like more support in.

Additionally, administrators should be involved in identifying these areas of growth so that they can provide teachers with the necessary support throughout their PD journey.

Identifying areas for professional growth is an essential part of ensuring that the professional development provided is meaningful and beneficial for teachers.

When it comes to professional development, there are a variety of options available for teachers. Workshops can be used to learn a specific skill or area of expertise.

Finding the type of professional development that best meets individual needs is essential for making it effective.

Types Of Professional Development For Teachers

Once areas for professional growth have been identified, administrators and teachers can begin exploring the types of PD available.

Workshops are a great way to learn specific skills or topics in-depth. At Strobel Education, we provide hundreds of workshops each year on a variety of high-interest topics.  We offer them in three different formats.

  1. Onsite professional development workshops
  2. Live/Virtual workshops that take place in the evenings.
  3. Online courses that you get access to for nine months.

Onsite professional development allows for real-time feedback, questions, and support, while our online courses provide self-paced learning opportunities. And the live/virtual workshops are great for those who want flexibility with the location of their professional development since you can do it from home.

Professional development workshops are a great way for teachers to hone their classroom management techniques. These workshops provide teachers with the skills they need to effectively manage their classrooms and create a positive learning environment for their students.

Creating A Professional Development Plan

Once areas for professional growth have been identified, administrators and teachers should work together to create a plan for professional development. This plan should include the goals of the PD program, the topics that will be covered, and how they will be delivered.

Administrators should create clear expectations for their teachers’ participation in professional development. This includes setting deadlines for completion and providing feedback on progress throughout the process.

By creating a plan for professional development, administrators can ensure that teachers are receiving the resources and support they need to succeed.

Making Professional Development Engaging And Effective

teacher guiding a student

Making professional development engaging and effective is essential for its success. Administrators should strive to create an environment that encourages collaboration and open dialogue between teachers.

They should provide tools and resources that can help teachers learn the material more effectively. This includes providing books, online courses, hands-on activities, and other materials that can enhance the learning experience.

Administrators should also utilize technology to make professional development more interactive and engaging. For example, webinars or virtual conferences are a great way for teachers to interact with experts in their field without having to leave the comfort of their own homes. Using educational games or simulations can help make PD more fun for teachers while still reinforcing key concepts.

By making professional development engaging and interactive, administrators can ensure that their teachers are receiving meaningful instruction that leads to improved practice in the classroom.

Book Your Onsite Professional Development with Strobel Education

Encouraging Teacher Participation In Professional Development

Encouraging teacher participation in professional development is essential for its success. Administrators can make sure that teachers are aware of the PD opportunities available to them and provide incentives for participating. This can include providing financial or other rewards for attending workshops, conferences, or courses.

It’s also helpful to create an environment where teachers feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas about professional development topics.

By encouraging open dialogue between teachers and administrators, schools can ensure that teacher professional development is effective and beneficial for all involved.

Measuring The Impact Of Professional Development

Measuring the impact of professional development is essential for determining its effectiveness. Schools and districts should create a plan to measure the impact of PD programs, such as surveys and performance assessments. Measuring teacher progress over time can help administrators gauge whether or not their PD initiatives are having an effect on teaching practice.

By tracking both short-term and long-term outcomes, educators and administrators can ensure that their professional development investments are paying off in improved student learning outcomes.

Best Practices For Professional Development For Teachers

teacher with a student doing activityWhen providing professional development for teachers, administrators should focus on the individual needs of each teacher. This includes considering the teacher’s experience and current teaching style, as well as their areas of professional growth. To ensure that teachers are able to make the most out of professional development, they should have access to the resources and materials they need, such as textbooks, online courses, and hands-on activities. Administrators can  incorporate feedback and insights from teachers throughout the professional development process.

Finally, administrators should also create a plan to measure the impact of professional development. This can include surveys and performance assessments, as well as monitoring the progress of teachers over time.

By using best practices for professional development, teachers can improve their practice and enhance the quality of teaching and learning for their students.


Professional development for teachers is one of the most important investments that administrators and school districts can make. When done correctly, teacher professional development can have a positive, lasting impact on teacher practice and student learning.

By taking the time to identify areas for professional growth, creating engaging and effective PD plans, and encouraging teacher participation in professional development, schools and districts can ensure that their teachers are receiving the best possible support and training.

At Strobel Education, we’re committed to helping teachers grow professionally and become more effective classroom educators. To learn more about our comprehensive suite of professional development services and online courses, visit our website today!

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