As you may have seen on social, I had the privilege of telling my story and having it published in USA Today, and it went live this week! 📰
It was such a fun new way to share my story in hopes that people who come across the article might see themselves in my story and feel less alone in their struggles.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I see the way people show up in the world and online, it often makes me think that they have their entire lives together… and it sometimes makes me feel shame about certain struggles that I experience in my own life.
Have you ever been walking down the hallway at school and passing a bubbly, chipper colleague? First of all, God bless them because we all can use a smile when we’re at work.
But if you’re feeling all of the overwhelm that so many teachers in my inbox are sharing, it’s so easy to slip into the thinking that you are the only one struggling. Maybe thoughts like, “Why are things so hard for me?” or “I wish my life was that joyful” have crossed your mind.
I’m here to tell you, they struggle, too.
The more you are able to remind yourself that people don’t always portray the parts of themselves they are struggling with, the easier it will be to avoid slipping into that comparison game.
And if you want to take it a step further, I challenge you to start sharing your story – any part of it… but the challenge should make your palms a little sweaty. It should make you a little bit uncomfortable to think about showing up as the real you.
Don’t overshare. That’s not the challenge. But let the right people see your struggle. It’s just as important to share some of a struggle with students. It’s the human connection that is often missing in the world and in the workplace.
That vulnerability to show up as exactly who you are is the permission that someone needs to share their story, too. And the more talking and sharing we do as fellow humans, the less alone we feel in our struggles.
I see you, friend, and I would love to hear your story.
If you want to read more about mine, here’s a link to the USA Today article that came out this week.
January 13: Improving School Climate and Culture
January 20 + 27: Trauma-Informed Practices
January 23 + 30: Data-Driven Decisions
February 11: Standards-Based Grading
You’ve got this, friend!
Kim Strobel | Speaker, Author, Educator, & Happiness Coach
Phone: 812-719-4998
Featured in: USA Today