How To Deal With The Critics

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I am a lot of things. But one thing I’m not is a “sit on the sidelines” type of girl. My life might be easier if I was that girl, but I’m just not.

One thing I’ve learned time and time again is that if you are going to get in the arena and play ball, you better be ready for people to attack you the first chance they get. People sure love to find fault in others, don’t they?

You can do 99 things right and then make one small misstep, and people will focus on that misstep and try to bring you down. Social media is rampant with people and the mob-squad mentality that can take over.

I saw this quote in Arthur Brooks’s book, “Build the Life You Want”.

Quotation by Lao Tzu

Arthur explained Lao Tzu’s quote by adding:

The prison of others’ approval is actually one built by you, maintained by you, and guarded by you. Disregard what others think and the prison door will swing open.

I love it so much because it means you hold the key to your freedom.

For a long time, I was a victim of the things people said about me. But I can honestly say that when I look back on those who have attacked me, I feel thankful for it, even though it hurt me terribly at the time.

With time though, I was able to see the hidden gifts of their criticism.

It’s made me tougher, and I needed to be tougher. 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

It’s made me figure out who I want to surround myself with and who I don’t. ❤️❤️❤️

And to be honest, it’s motivated me like no other. 🤣🤣🤣

When I get criticized, I ask myself, “Is this someone I would invite to my home for dinner?” Is this someone I admire and look up to?” If the answer is no, I try not to let them into my head, but it’s hard and something I’m always working on.

That’s my challenge for you, too. Don’t let people you don’t consider “your people” rent your brain space.

It’s limited. It’s sacred.

It surely should not be rented out for free to people who haven’t earned the right to be in your life.
We’ve got this, friend!

Kim Strobel cursive





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