A Lot of Learning, A Lot of Inspiration, A Lot of Fun

The 2018 Strobel Summit is officially on the books! We had nearly 5000 awesome educators from around the world register for this free online professional development series—and we could not be more grateful to all of you who participated.

New School Year—New Ideas

With back-to-school underway for many (and coming soon for others), teachers everywhere are heading back to their classrooms ready to make a difference. And for those who joined us for the Strobel Summit, the new school year might just mean the opportunity to become a true agent for change:

  • To implement exciting, impactful ideas like Genius Hour and Growth Mindset
  • To create a Trauma-Informed Classroom where every student has the opportunity to learn and grow
  • To use Standards-Based Grading and Formative Assessment practices to determine the most effective instruction
  • To take a risk and “ditch” homework
  • To “be the one” to revolutionize school culture

Working Out the Kinks

As with any first-time event, the Strobel Summit was not without a few hiccups here and there. There was a little bit of confusion with the first video session and a few minor technical difficulties. But our team worked quickly and efficiently to resolve each issue.

We appreciate that you were so patient with us as we worked out the kinks. This was the first Strobel Summit—but it absolutely will not be the last! We want this free PD series to be an annual opportunity to earn those much needed continuing ed points. So we’re taking everything we learned this year—along with your valuable feedback—and applying it to our plans for next year. Look out 2019!

#StrobelSummit on Twitter

We invited you to join us on Twitter and post to the #StrobelSummit hashtag before, during, and after the Summit. And you didn’t disappoint!

There was a lot to be learned during the Summit video sessions, but there was just as much to be learned from the conversations happening in the hashtag. Here’s a sampling of our favorites …

More Professional Development Opportunities, Please!

So … the Summit is over for this year. That’s a bummer.

But the opportunity for inspirational + educational PD is always available.

Strobel Ed offers a variety of options for today’s busy teachers and administrators. We host full-day regional workshops throughout the year on innovative topics that schools everywhere are excited to implement. Check out our fall Genius Hour and Growth Mindset workshops to find locations near you—and register now for early bird savings!

Not located near one of our workshops? Talk to your administrator about bringing one of Strobel Ed’s consultants to your school for onsite PD training. Choose from more than 20 training topics!

And coming soon: Online Education Courses! Featuring the same content as our dynamic live workshops, these online courses let you get your PD anytime, anywhere. Stay tuned for the announcement and your chance to enroll!

Be among the first to know about all of these opportunities—and more—when you follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. And if you haven’t already, subscribe to our email newsletter.

A Great Big Thank You

Finally, we want to extend our appreciation to EVERYONE who made this first-ever Strobel Summit such a success.

To our Summit presenters: Thank you for leading the charge to bring creativity, individuality, achievement, and real understanding back to the classroom. Your knowledge and experience are invaluable, and we thank you for sharing it with the Strobel Ed teacher tribe!

To everyone who registered and participated: Thank you for making the commitment to “reimagine education.” It’s educators like you who have accepted the challenge to effect REAL CHANGE in classrooms across the country—and around the world.

To our students: Thank you for being the inspiration for the Strobel Summit. You are the reason we educators constantly seek out new and innovative teaching methods that will truly make an impact on your learning and achievement. We believe in you!

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